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Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 Helpdesk seminar for value creation in Norway

The H2020 Helpdesk invites you to a H2020 seminar on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) – Opportunities for value creation in Norway.
Together with our partners in the H2020 Helpdesk, Innovation Norway, UiS, UiB, HVL, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, NCE Media, GCE Ocean Technology, NORCE and Horisont Vest, we will guide you on how to prepare for future collaborations related to ICT calls. The seminar is in Bergen, at VIS, and it is open for all.

Time: 25th of March 2019, 10:45 to 14:30

Place: VIS, 2nd floor, Thormøhlensgate 51, 5006 Bergen,


  • - 10:45 Arrivals & Coffee

  • - 10:55 Welcome – The H2020 Helpdesk in Hordaland & Rogaland

  • - 11:00 Introduction to the ICT work program – Kim Davis, National Contact Point for ICT, NFR

  • - 11:45 Big data Initiatives at Vestlandsforsking – Rajendra Akerkar, Vestlandforsking

  • - 12:00 How to succeed in Horizon 2020 – Gupta Udatha, Digital Norway

  • - 12:30 Lunch

  • - 13:00 Workshop: This section will be arranged as breakout session where participants can choose topic of interest and participate in the following discussion groups:

o Media:

  • Next generation media (ICT-44-2020) – Kristoffer Hammer, NCE Media.

  • Interactive technologies (ICT-25-2020) – Kristoffer Hammer, NCE Media

o Bigdata:

▪ Open discussions - Rajendra Akerkar, Vestlandsforsking, Anna Maria Urbaniak-Brekke, EU-nett Sogn og Fjordane

o Digital platforms:

▪ Digital service platforms for rural economies (DT-ICT-09-2020) – Gilda Seddighi, Vestlandsforsking

o 5G ▪ ICT-YY-2020: 5G innovations for verticals with 3rd party service

o Health ▪ AI for the smart hospital of the future (DT ICT 12 2020) – Kyrre Aas, UiS -

14:30 Round-up

About the H2020 Helpdesk
The H2020 Helpdesk supports academia, industry and public sectors towards the H2020 programme, through thematic seminars and 1:1 counselling sessions. The H2020 Helpdesk is a cooperation between The University of Bergen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Innovation Norway, GCE Ocean Technology, NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster, Bergen kommune, Hordaland Fylkeskommune, The Research Council of Norway and VIS.

If you have any questions, please contact the H2020 Helpdesk in Hordaland at

A similar H2020 Helpdesk is organised in Rogaland by Validé and University of Stavanger. Contact in Validé: paul@validé.no

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