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Hvordan bruke design for å oppnå vekst?

Hvordan kan du komme deg ut av start(up)-blokken og forbi «støyen» som hindrer så mange gode ideer og gründere til å lykkes med vekst? Vi inviterer EY Doberman til å holde et inspirerende foredrag om hvordan de bruker design til å sprenge lydmuren.

Helseklyngen Norwegian Smart Care og Validé går sammen om å arrangere denne inspirasjonstimen. Foredraget vil være på engelsk:

- High speed is synonym within the startup scene. Fail fast, test and iterate is the nature of the game. In the speed of light, sometimes it gets lost how you can also stand out from your peers.

This will be one hour of fun, concrete ideas, tips and tricks how you can already tomorrow implement some of this in your daily work, says Klara Leander and Moa Correia from the Swedish innovationcompany EY Doberman.

WHAT: Lunch inspiration talk how design can accelerate growth
WHEN: May 27, 11.45-12.45 (you will get a link when you sign up)
WHO: EY Doberman – Innovation and Design Firm
Free registration


  • Welcome by Klara Leander and Moa Correia
  • Inspirational talk and concrete tips and tricks to why design can help you cut through the noise
  • Break out session where you will be challenged with a task
  • Check out and what to bring with you

About EY Doberman

  • EY Doberman reinvents businesses, products and experiences to help organizations master their new horizons. It’s home to 100 strategists, designers and engineers.
  • Studios in the Nordics, and a think tank in Berlin.
  • Recognized as the Best Place to Work & Best Digital Design Firm.
  • They have in depth experience in health and life science.
Klara Leander & Moa Correia, EY Doberman

The speakers:

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