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Utlysning Plogen 2021

Plogen - Supporting new and innovative ideas

The Plogen Program by UiS and Validé to support research-based innovation projects leading to the development of new products and services.

Projects can get up to 100.000 NOK. The project have to start and finish within 6 month.

Who can apply?
• Applicants must be employed at the University of Stavanger (UiS) throughout the project period.
• The concept or idea must be related to the applicant's area of research and interest.
• Plogen-program can be used to work on your idea / concept / sketch which can form the basis for new project applications for the Norwegian Research Council FORNY program on Milestone project (up to 500,000 NOK) or Proof of Concept (up to 5 MNOK)
• If your application does not qualify for the Plogen-Program support, TTO will continue to provide an idea assessment and possibly redirect you to the correct program
• We welcome projects that run across research institutes or other interdisciplinary projects. This also applies to applications submitted by teams.
• We encourage student involvement during the project.

The degree of innovation of the concept, as well as the applicant's research background and anchoring in past and/or current research projects. The applicant's commitment to undertake an innovation project is also important.

Applications will be evaluated as they come.

More information and application:

INFORMATION (norwegian and english): Plogen info 2024
ENGLISH: Plogen Application Form 2024
NORWEGIAN: Plogen søknadsskjema 2024

Once the application is approved, the applicant has 15 days to contact the research institute he/she is employed at and start the project. The project is expected to last a maximum of 6 months.

Once the project is completed, the final report must be submitted to Validé within 2 months. If the project does not start and end in the same calendar year, both the department administration and Validé must be notified within a reasonable time.

The research institution and Validé must also be notified as soon as possible of other changes, such as changes in the project's timeline, scope, employment status, etc. The project can be terminated and funding can be withdrawn through significant changes in project scope, change in employment status or other important factors.

Send this application form as .pdf and .doc format to
Name the files with Plogen, name of the applicant and project title

Can be addressed to or