What is Technology Transfer?

What is Technology Transfer?

Validé has 30 years of experience with this assignment. We have a well-qualified team of business developers and IP managers who help you evaluate the potential of your ideas, and realize ideas for products and/or services.

Do you have an idea that you want to discuss with Validé?

Get in touch with one of our business developers or use our contact form.

Decribe your idea with DOFI

Avtale DOFI håndtrykk

In the form "Disclosure of Invention", also called DOFI, you can describe your idea and make your first thoughts about the market, market potential and possible competitors. It is a useful document in our assessments and evaluations, and we greatly appreciate it if you use this template to describe your ideas. We treat all information confidentially.

Here you can describe your idea in our DOFI
Or you can download the document, fill in the information and send a DOFI to us by e-mail: tto@valide.no
DOFI (Norwegian)DOFI (English)

Are you a student or researcher at UiS? Explore your idea with money from Plogen

Team TTO 2022

TEAM VALIDE TTO: Applications for money from Plogen are assessed by the Validé TTO team in collaboration with the UiS innovation team.
From left: Anne Cathrin Østebø, Kari Birgitte Melvær Wiig, Ole Jørgen Engelsvoll, Izaskun Muruzabal-Lecumberri, Lars Petter Eliassen and Ivan Pinerez Torrijos. (Photo: Hilde Garlid)

Plogen - Supports new and innovative ideas
The Plogen program is a regional initiative in Rogaland to support research-based innovation projects that lead to the development of new products and services or otherwise affect society. The program has a key function to raise technologies from the basic technological level (TRL) 1 - Research to technology optimization (TRL 2-4) and Proof of Concept (TRL 4-6).

Who can apply for support from Plogen?

• Employees at UiS can apply for up to NOK 100,000.
• The applicant must be employed at one of the respective research institutes throughout the entire project period.
• The concept or idea must be related to the applicant's area of research and interest.
• If your application does not qualify for support from the Plogen program, TTO will still provide an idea assessment and possibly redirect you to the correct program.
• We welcome projects that cross research institutes or other interdisciplinary projects. This also applies to applications submitted by teams.
• We encourage student involvement during the project.

Please download the documents for more information and application form:

INFORMATION (Norwegian and English): Plogen info 2024
NORWEGIAN: Plogen søknadsskjema 2024
ENGLISH: Plogen Application Form 2024

Send you application to plogen@valide.no

Contact izaskun@valide.no

Why is Validé engage in technology transfer?

Validé's mandate is to move research and knowledge from the university and research environments into business and society. But why do we do it?

The mandate and social mission of Validé TTO

Validé TTO's task is to commercialize innovations from academic research (R&D) to another party, industry/business, for the benefit of society. Validé is the technology transfer office (TTO) for six research environments and a project partner with two others.

Definition at TTO: «Technology transfer is a term used to describe a formal transfer of rights to use and commercialize new discoveries and innovations as a result of scientific research to another party».

In 2003, the Norwegian Parlament (Stortinget) passed a law giving universities the right to capitalize on intellectual property (IP) developed by their employees. The University of Stavanger (UiS) and the other research institutions in the region are, according to Norwegian law, obliged to assist with the transfer of innovative technology.

This is how the TTOs were established, and there are eleven of them in Norway today.

The goal for all TTOs is to move innovations and smart solutions quickly and successfully to a business community and market that really needs new solutions. As you see explained in this video:

How does Validé TTO work?

Validé collaborates with researchers and students from eight research environments. We are the technology transfer office (TTO) for five research environments, and have project assignments for two others.

Their technical research fields are agriculture, aquaculture, biotechnology, construction, food, energy, health technology, life sciences, materials science, medical products and software.

Cooperation with established industry and business has always been strong in our region. It provides a strong, strategic focus on research and innovation from many partners.

In Validé's portfolio you will find dozens of examples of research ideas that have matured and developed through the TTO process, and which today, with assistance from Validé TTO, are established as successful companies with completely unique solutions that respond to global challenges.

Some examples of international spin-offs from researchers:

Why TTO is important

FNs bærekraftsmål illustrasjon

CHANGE THE FUTURE: Traditionally the TTO have focused on domestic commercial activities, but today our licensees and startups are making impact on the global scale. (Photo: Hilde Garlid)

Technology transfer (TTO) has historically focused on the licensing of intellectual property rights between research institutions and industry.

Now universities, hospitals and research institutes demand significantly more. They focus on innovation management to promote entrepreneurship, promote collaboration between research and business, and together find solutions to global challenges.

The modern TTO support, like Validé, includes several functions in the process from idea to market. An innovation project can go through our entire value chain; from identification to licensing, company establishment, accelerator program and investment.


• Saferock (UiS)
• Factiverse (UiS)
• Shoreline (UiS)
• SmartCrowding (SUS)

Validé has developed an entire ecosystem for innovation, and in this way we can secure the journey from idea to market with knowledge, networks and access to capital. We are proud of the ecosystem we have built, and that today we run an efficient system for technology transfer in Rogaland.

Validé is TTO partner to six research institutes

Validé TTO is located in Stavanger, Rogaland, the «capital of energy» in
Norway. The region has a strong and innovative business and science and environment in oil and energy.

Validé TTO is located at Innovasjonspark Stavanger which is a high-tech environment for technology development and business growth.

Our partner research institutes are:

University of Stavanger (UiS) has about 12.000 students and 1.600 members of faculty, administration, and service staff. (2018) UiS is organized into six faculties, 13 institutes, two national research centres and the Museum of Archaeology. Many of the externally financed research activities are performed in cooperation with Norce, which is partly owned by the university.

Stavanger University Hospital (SUS) Health Stavanger HF is one of the country's six university hospitals, and one of Norway's largest emergency hospitals. The hospital is owned by the regional health company Helse Vest. SUS has more than 7.800 employees from over 30 nations. The hospital serves a population of 369,000 in southern Rogaland, from Hjelmeland in the north to Sokndal in the south. (2018)

• Nofima is one of Europe's largest nutrition-oriented research institute that carries out research and development for aquaculture, fisheries and food industries. Nofima delivers internationally recognized research and solutions that provide industry with competitive edge across the entire value chain. Nofima AS has its headquarters in Tromsø, and research activities in Alta, Bergen, Stavanger, Sunndalsøra, Tromsø and Ås. The institute was established on January 1th, 2008 and has about 370 employees. The turnover was NOK 595 million in 2017.

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) was established on July 1, 2015 and is one of Norway’s largest research institutes and delivers knowledge of food and plant production, environment, maps, land use, genetic resources, forests, business, business and social economics. The head office is at Ås. The institute has several regional units and a branch office
in Oslo. NIBIO is owned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and is a merger between the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk), the Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute (NILF) and the Norwegian Forestry and Landscape Institute (Skog og landskap).

Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has studies and research that address the major global issues of environment, energy, development, better public and animal health, climate challenges, renewable energy sources, food production and area and resource management. NMBU has 5200 students, 1700 employees and 64 study programs. (2018)

- Validé TTO collaborates with Ard innovation, which is the technology transfer office (TTO) for NIBIO and NMBU, and 100% owned by these research institutions.

... and we are partners with to others

Norce is one of Norway's largest independent research institutes, and has 700 employees, 1 500 projects, an annual turnover of NOK 890 million, and some 500 scientific publications per year. If we include NORCE's subsidiaries, the group has 800 employees from around the world. The group's knowledge is represented in several countries, and its turnover is over NOK 1 billion.NORCE's main office is in Bergen, and the group has a strong presence in Haugesund, Stavanger, Kristiansand, Grimstad and Oslo.

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL - Haugesund) is one of the largest Høgskole in the country, with about 16.000 students divided into five campuses. HVL was established on January 1th 2017 when Høgskolen i Bergen, Høgskolen i Sogn and Fjordane and Høgskolen Stord / Haugesund merged. HVL has five campuses in Western Norway: Førde, Sogndal, Bergen, Stord and
Haugesund. Here you can study for one year, or do a bachelor's, master's or doctorate degree.
HVL has a strong and innovative academic environment in health and social science, engineering and maritime education, teacher, cultural and sports subjects, natural and social sciences, and economics and management. Every year, 3100 students graduate from these subjects. Validé is TTO to Stord and Haugesund.

VID Specialized University is an accredited, private higher education institution. With approximately 525 employees and 5290 students VID is the third largest private higher education institutions in Norway.

VID undertakes education and research in the fields of health and social sciences, educational science, management, diaconia and theology. The University offers approximately 50 study programs at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD levels, and our objective is to develop as a national institution through regional cooperation. The University has campuses in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Sandnes and Tromsø.

Validé TTO has the mandate on behalf of these institutions to establish contact and create a community-friendly environment between researchers and industry in order to identify and evaluate innovations more quickly in order to collaborate further on commercial activities.

Where do you find Validé TTO?

Innovasjonspark Stavanger i2 hovedbygg

Validé TTO is located in Innovasjonspark Stavanger, which is a high-tech environment for technology development and business growth. There are 154 small and large companies, with 1200 employees, who have their offices and other facilities in the park.

Innovasjonspark Stavanger is part of Campus Ullandhaug, and the region's vision «Innovation District Ullandhaug». Here you will find research institutions such as the University of Stavanger, Norce and from 2024 the new University Hospital in Stavanger (SUS). State institutions such as the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority and the Norwegian Mapping Authority are part of Campus Ullandhaug, as well as the public broadcaster NRK Rogaland and Ydalir Hotel.

A total of 15,000 people work within Campus Ullandhaug today, and from 2024 the number will increase to nearly 25,000 people.

Funding programs for research-based innovation

Planter vekst

Plogen - Supporting new and innovative ideas

The Plogen Program is a regional initiative in Rogaland to support research-based innovation projects leading to the development of new products and services or in other ways making an impact on society. The Program is a key mechanism to elevate technologies from the basic Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 1 – Research, to Technology Optimization (TRL 2-4) and to Proof-of-Concept (TRL 4-6).

Who can apply?
· Employees at the UiS can apply for up to 100.000 NOK.
· The applicant must be employed at the respective research institute throughout the entire project period.
· The underlying intellectual property/concept/idea must be related to the applicant’s research area and area of interest.
· In case your application is not eligible for support under the Plogen Program, the TTO will still provide an assessment and redirect you to the right program.
· We welcome inter-institutional and multidisciplinary projects so as applications submitted by teams
· We encourage the involvement of students during the project.

Please download the documents for more information and application:

INFORMATION (Norwegian and English): Plogen info 2024
ENGLISH: Plogen Application Form 2024
• NORWEGIAN: Plogen søknadsskjema 2024

Send your application to: plogen@valide.no
Questions? Please, contact us: izaskun@valide.no

Commercialization funding from The Research Council (Forny2020)
Innovation projects and companies from the research institutions associated with Validé can apply for commercialization funds. This is a grant from NOK 0.5 million, which can be used to verify technology and business opportunities.
read more

Research Council
The Research Council has funds for innovation and commercialization in most subject areas.
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EU Horizon - SME Instruments

Small and medium-sized enterprises that are EU-based or established in a country affiliated with Horizon 2020 can receive EU funding and support for innovation projects that will help them grow and expand their business to other countries - in Europe and beyond. Horizon 2020 finances innovations with high potential through a dedicated SME instrument that offers seamless business innovation support.
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Innovation Norway

Start-up support from Innovation Norway offers help to entrepreneurs and promising start-ups who have growth ambitions and who have an innovative business concept that represents something new and significant in the market. One of the main goals of Innovation Norway is to remove obstacles and assist Norwegian startups to international success.
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