Validé TTO is located in Stavanger, Rogaland, the «capital of energy» in
Norway. The region has a strong and innovative business and science and environment in oil and energy.
Validé TTO is located at Innovasjonspark Stavanger which is a high-tech environment for technology development and business growth.
Our partner research institutes are:
• University of Stavanger (UiS) has about 12.000 students and 1.600 members of faculty, administration, and service staff. (2018) UiS is organized into six faculties, 13 institutes, two national research centres and the Museum of Archaeology. Many of the externally financed research activities are performed in cooperation with Norce, which is partly owned by the university.
• Stavanger University Hospital (SUS) Health Stavanger HF is one of the country's six university hospitals, and one of Norway's largest emergency hospitals. The hospital is owned by the regional health company Helse Vest. SUS has more than 7.800 employees from over 30 nations. The hospital serves a population of 369,000 in southern Rogaland, from Hjelmeland in the north to Sokndal in the south. (2018)
• Nofima is one of Europe's largest nutrition-oriented research institute that carries out research and development for aquaculture, fisheries and food industries. Nofima delivers internationally recognized research and solutions that provide industry with competitive edge across the entire value chain. Nofima AS has its headquarters in Tromsø, and research activities in Alta, Bergen, Stavanger, Sunndalsøra, Tromsø and Ås. The institute was established on January 1th, 2008 and has about 370 employees. The turnover was NOK 595 million in 2017.
• Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) was established on July 1, 2015 and is one of Norway’s largest research institutes and delivers knowledge of food and plant production, environment, maps, land use, genetic resources, forests, business, business and social economics. The head office is at Ås. The institute has several regional units and a branch office
in Oslo. NIBIO is owned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and is a merger between the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk), the Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute (NILF) and the Norwegian Forestry and Landscape Institute (Skog og landskap).
• Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has studies and research that address the major global issues of environment, energy, development, better public and animal health, climate challenges, renewable energy sources, food production and area and resource management. NMBU has 5200 students, 1700 employees and 64 study programs. (2018)
- Validé TTO collaborates with Ard innovation, which is the technology transfer office (TTO) for NIBIO and NMBU, and 100% owned by these research institutions.
... and we are partners with to others
• Norce is one of Norway's largest independent research institutes, and has 700 employees, 1 500 projects, an annual turnover of NOK 890 million, and some 500 scientific publications per year. If we include NORCE's subsidiaries, the group has 800 employees from around the world. The group's knowledge is represented in several countries, and its turnover is over NOK 1 billion.NORCE's main office is in Bergen, and the group has a strong presence in Haugesund, Stavanger, Kristiansand, Grimstad and Oslo.
• Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL - Haugesund) is one of the largest Høgskole in the country, with about 16.000 students divided into five campuses. HVL was established on January 1th 2017 when Høgskolen i Bergen, Høgskolen i Sogn and Fjordane and Høgskolen Stord / Haugesund merged. HVL has five campuses in Western Norway: Førde, Sogndal, Bergen, Stord and
Haugesund. Here you can study for one year, or do a bachelor's, master's or doctorate degree.
HVL has a strong and innovative academic environment in health and social science, engineering and maritime education, teacher, cultural and sports subjects, natural and social sciences, and economics and management. Every year, 3100 students graduate from these subjects. Validé is TTO to Stord and Haugesund.
• VID Specialized University is an accredited, private higher education institution. With approximately 525 employees and 5290 students VID is the third largest private higher education institutions in Norway.
VID undertakes education and research in the fields of health and social sciences, educational science, management, diaconia and theology. The University offers approximately 50 study programs at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD levels, and our objective is to develop as a national institution through regional cooperation. The University has campuses in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Sandnes and Tromsø.
Validé TTO has the mandate on behalf of these institutions to establish contact and create a community-friendly environment between researchers and industry in order to identify and evaluate innovations more quickly in order to collaborate further on commercial activities.