Get control of your data

Bityoga Uis 4 Nett

The purpose of the technology behind bitYoga is to give control of personal data back to the owner of the data. The founders of the company is UiS-professor Chunming Rong and Antorweep Chakravorty.

Your data is valuable, but so is your privacy. In the data-driven world, we often don’t know who is using our data and why. Businesses need customer data to provide the service we expect and
thrive in a competitive market. We want to digitally share things with family, friends and organizations we trust. But our privacy keeps being compromised time-after-time.

bitYoga is a revolutionary blockchain-platform which allows you to securely share your data with anyone, and keep complete control over it. You control when, how and with whom your data is shared, all managed via our intuitive app. The technology behind bitYoga turns the data control stream; from the companies' servers back to the one who produces the data.

bitYoga is a partner in a Horizon 2020 project on data control in social media. UiS professor Chunming Rong and Antorweep Chakravorty are the founder of bitYoga.

BitYoga prosjekter 2022

PROJECTS: Some projects were BitYoga-technology is involved. (BitYoga website)

Empowered by Validé:
The TTO-team at Validé have been involved establishing the company. The research-based company from UiS was established in 2016, and in 2018 received «Seal of Excellence» from the EU Commission for its technology.
• Board member: Johannes Løyning

«Validé means a lot to the growth of bitYoga and specially to find the way from research to commercialize our idea and product».

Antorweep Chakravorty


BitYoga bidrar til bedre helsehjelp for nyfødte

BitYoga driver med blockchain og databehandling. Selskapet bistår nå forskere fra UiS, SUS og Lærdal Medical i prosjektet NewbornTime som skal berge nyfødte liv. Prosjektet har fått 12 millioner kroner av Forskningsrådet.
Newborn Time team
Bityoga 7


Datakontroll er redningen for delekulturen

-Vi skaper neste generasjon internett ved å gi brukerne kontroll over egen data. Med bitYoga kan du fortsatt dele innhold, men kryptere, slik at ingen tredjepart kan nyttegjøre seg av innholdet ditt.