Relying on science-based assessments of economic opportunities, DiveOpp offers insights to firms, clusters and regions, supporting the identification and assessment of strategic and transistions opportunities considering their individual strengths and capabilities following a smart spesialisation approach.
DiveOpp is the combined expertise of Dr. Silje Haus-Reve, Prof. Rune Fitjar and Prof. Tom Broekel, (UiS Business School) which developed a science-based evaluation of current (economic) structures and portfolio and potential future development options and scenarios.
DiveOpp offers cutting edge science-based assessments of firms’ and regions’ business transition opportunities. DiveOpp provides visualisations, online tools and a dialogue on how to facilitate and interpret the strength and opportunities further
Supported by Validé:
• TTO project together with UiS Business School
• Business development: Ole Jørgen Engelsvoll
• Investment from Validé AS
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