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Student Workshop 2

Are you a student and want to make a difference?

Are you a bachelor student? Have you started on a Master's program? Or are you unsure which way to go? Perhaps you have an idea that needs to get in the market? Validé believes that ideas can be realized, and would like to get in touch with you.

Do you sometimes have the feeling that the world needs you, or that you should do something about the questions and challenges in the world?

Or do you fear the future? Do you often think that the solutions we use every day actually lead us in the wrong direction? You might think - what can I do with that with my general bachelor or unfinished master?

Well, your education matters.

You can make a difference and you can actually influence the direction the community is moving. There are opportunities around you. There are others who want to share your vision and want to join the journey towards real solutions. There are tools that empower such ideas as you have.

You belong to the generation that needs to clean up after previous generations mistakes og lack of knowlegde. So don´t go on and choose the same solutions that your parents.

It is in Validé's DNA that we believe in ideas. We have expertise and long experience in validating ideas. We distinguish the best from the worse, we seak for the gold that can solve big and small challenges, create new business and new jobs.

But Validé do more than believe and judge. In fact, We is investing in ideas that are so fresh that they have not yet become a product or a real solution.

Our skills are to valued your ideas, discuss them with you, use our network to search for others who can lift these solutions further. It can be a researcher, an investor or that you yourself establish your company based on your vision.

We have several tools that transform things we are talking about into solutions that work.

Perhaps it is you and your bachelor's or master's degree that contribute to a major solution in health, energy, food, climate, clean water, pollution, emigration, devided societies - you can contribute and we can do this together.

Oh yes? How can you fix this?

Already while you are studying, there are several opportunities to participate and contribute in an environment that works with innovation and startups.

Lyspæren UiS, Izaskun

HOUSE OF INNOVATION: Lyspæren is the student incubator at University of Stavanger (UiS). Izaskun Muruzábal-Lecumberri from the TTO-team in Validé works with students who have ideas. (Photo: Hilde Garlid)

• LevelUp and Lyspæren: Student incubator and innovation house on the University of Stavanger campus. The innovation house, Lyspæren, houses student activities within innovation and entrepreneurship. You find it behind Hagbard Line's house (Pavilion 9) at campus.

Student Task Force: Work 50 hours for a startup in the Validé incubator, and get a taste of how entrepreneurial life is actually lived. Many people need your skills. It does not have to be related to what you are studying.

ITSAaccelerator: Validé's growth programs for entrepreneurs and start-up companies in the early stages.

InGenious: Solve challenges from regional businesses. UiS program.

• Validé host various workshops and seminars in entrepreneurship together with UiS. Sign up for our newsletter, and we keep you informed.

Student Workshop 2
Student Workshop 2
Student Workshop 2
Student Workshop 2
Student Workshop 2
Student Workshop 2
Student Workshop 2
Student Workshop 2
Student Workshop 2
Student Workshop 2